Fallout 4 Coming November 10th!

Fallout 4 Coming November 10th!

I freaking KNEW they were gonna do this. I'm thrilled that they did, too. Fallout Shelter for iOS right now, Fallout 4 November 10!! This is easily going to be the game I pine for and hype for and drool over and and and and...Pardon me, I've got the vapors.

I just cannot wait. Bethesda killed it at E3 this year. Doom looks fantastic, Dishonored 2 is incredibly exciting along with Dishonored: Definitive Edition coming to Xbox One and PS4 being a great bonus but man, Fallout 4 was THE highlight and Bethesda knew it. 


Along with the standard console game, available RIGHT NOW is an iOS-only (for the time being, I would assume) ant-farm style game called Fallout Shelter where you are the Vault Overseer. Your job is to keep everybody happy, bring in new dwellers and even "create" some of your own.

It's F2P, has no paywall and does NOT require an internet connection! Download it today for your iPad, iPhone, iBall, iTennisShoes, iDog, and iShower.

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Brother Bringer